Poth-O-Carry® Sweet: Rail Edition - Adjustable Height Sweet Potato tank-side holder for your aquarium!

from $11.99

**The Poth-O-Carry® Sweet: Rail Edition incorporates the same rail system as my Poth-O-Carry Versa line of aquarium plant pots. Select for rimmed or rimless rail for a sleeker look. Your sweet potato can be lowered nearly 6" down in your aquarium, great for ripariums! The rim on the edge of your aquarium will keep everything secure for far longer than any suction cup.

The Sweet Potato is a staple nitrate-sucker for many a home aquarist. But how to keep it in one place? Skewers? Rubber bands? Meh, let's try this. Introducing the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet. Born with a flexible pair of tato-graspers on the front, the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet can gently grip onto many sizes of sweet potato, without damage. The opening measures 2.75" wide, and the grippers flex to form an opening from 2" to a fully open position, to grip Sweet potatoes from 8" (At the lower gripping point) circumference to 11". Many Sweet potatoes have a classic carrot-like shape to them, that is ideal for the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet. Due to it's 3d printed nature, and flexibility to hold many different sizes, I'd recommend treating the flexible tips of the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet with a gentle hand. The front pincers will flex almost 90 degrees, just ya know don't take a pair of pliers to them ;)

Poth-O-Carry® clips to the inside of the tank using gravity as the stabilizing agent. To keep Poth-O-Carry® happy on a tank, the bulk of the weight of the plant must extend above or in front of the tubes.

A very helpful fish keeper informed me that this will work well for their celery too! I do believe i agree!

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**The Poth-O-Carry® Sweet: Rail Edition incorporates the same rail system as my Poth-O-Carry Versa line of aquarium plant pots. Select for rimmed or rimless rail for a sleeker look. Your sweet potato can be lowered nearly 6" down in your aquarium, great for ripariums! The rim on the edge of your aquarium will keep everything secure for far longer than any suction cup.

The Sweet Potato is a staple nitrate-sucker for many a home aquarist. But how to keep it in one place? Skewers? Rubber bands? Meh, let's try this. Introducing the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet. Born with a flexible pair of tato-graspers on the front, the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet can gently grip onto many sizes of sweet potato, without damage. The opening measures 2.75" wide, and the grippers flex to form an opening from 2" to a fully open position, to grip Sweet potatoes from 8" (At the lower gripping point) circumference to 11". Many Sweet potatoes have a classic carrot-like shape to them, that is ideal for the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet. Due to it's 3d printed nature, and flexibility to hold many different sizes, I'd recommend treating the flexible tips of the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet with a gentle hand. The front pincers will flex almost 90 degrees, just ya know don't take a pair of pliers to them ;)

Poth-O-Carry® clips to the inside of the tank using gravity as the stabilizing agent. To keep Poth-O-Carry® happy on a tank, the bulk of the weight of the plant must extend above or in front of the tubes.

A very helpful fish keeper informed me that this will work well for their celery too! I do believe i agree!

**The Poth-O-Carry® Sweet: Rail Edition incorporates the same rail system as my Poth-O-Carry Versa line of aquarium plant pots. Select for rimmed or rimless rail for a sleeker look. Your sweet potato can be lowered nearly 6" down in your aquarium, great for ripariums! The rim on the edge of your aquarium will keep everything secure for far longer than any suction cup.

The Sweet Potato is a staple nitrate-sucker for many a home aquarist. But how to keep it in one place? Skewers? Rubber bands? Meh, let's try this. Introducing the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet. Born with a flexible pair of tato-graspers on the front, the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet can gently grip onto many sizes of sweet potato, without damage. The opening measures 2.75" wide, and the grippers flex to form an opening from 2" to a fully open position, to grip Sweet potatoes from 8" (At the lower gripping point) circumference to 11". Many Sweet potatoes have a classic carrot-like shape to them, that is ideal for the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet. Due to it's 3d printed nature, and flexibility to hold many different sizes, I'd recommend treating the flexible tips of the Poth-O-Carry® Sweet with a gentle hand. The front pincers will flex almost 90 degrees, just ya know don't take a pair of pliers to them ;)

Poth-O-Carry® clips to the inside of the tank using gravity as the stabilizing agent. To keep Poth-O-Carry® happy on a tank, the bulk of the weight of the plant must extend above or in front of the tubes.

A very helpful fish keeper informed me that this will work well for their celery too! I do believe i agree!

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